Luxury Rehab Options: Last Hope Or Overpriced Hype?

Luxury rehab optionsLuxury rehab options can be found in many different types, from Christian models to those which do not consider the spiritual aspect at all. Are luxury rehab programs really worth the cost though, or are these programs simply overpriced hype so the treatment center owner makes a much larger profit? The answer will depend on the specific facility and program that you choose, because some offer superior treatment and exceptional results while others may not be any better than lower cost options because of limited treatment choices and methods. Both the level of luxury and the type of treatment provided will determine whether a luxury rehab is a good idea or an overpriced hype.


Luxury rehab options can be found in a variety of price ranges, and it is important that you understand exactly what is included in the treatment program. A luxury rehab that charges twenty thousand a month may be overpriced if only group therapy is offered, but a facility that provides four or more hours each week of one on one counseling may be a terrific bargain at fifty thousand dollars a month. A few of the top luxury rehab facilities even offer a limited treatment guarantee, and if a relapse occurs and certain conditions are met then treatment is provided again at no charge.


Some luxury rehab programs are well worth every penny, because they offer a permanent recovery that will last for life. Other facilities may have a failure rate just as high as the cheapest rehab, but they include luxuries and close personal attention which makes the client feel pampered. These luxury rehab programs may be great for a relaxing vacation, but to truly work through your addiction issues you will need individual counseling. Without this type of treatment your risk of a relapse after treatment is much higher, and this can lead to a treatment then relapse cycle which repeats continuously.


If you can not afford to fail in your treatment goals then there are some luxury rehab facilities that give you the best chance for success, but there are also others which are only overpriced. Carefully evaluate what each program offers as well as the total costs, and then choose the program which gives you the best treatment for the money spent. You will find luxury rehab choices which are expensive but that can give you a permanent recovery, and these are priceless because you can not put a value on getting your life back and eliminating your addictions.

About the author: admin